Monday, 31 January 2011

Mac os x on my (non-apple) laptop.

Mac os x is a beautiful OS, usually shipped on equally appealing hardware. Problem: I'm not willing to fork out $1500 for a computer, so I decided, after some research, to get a laptop with compatible hardware and install Mac os x on that. I chose to use the iAtkos S3 disc which is a modified version of 10.6.3, since it comes with lots of drivers and save me having to mess around with memory sticks etc.

I burned it to a DVD stuck it in and booted up. After reading the instructions I formatted my disk into three partitions (Mac, Windows, Debian) and proceeded to the driver selection screen. This was the toughest part, selecting drivers for my hardware, but I managed it without to much hassle and after ~30 minutes my computer booted up to the beautiful sound of mac os x playing to my ears.

Using it, I can't tell the difference in performance between this and a "real" Macbook pro. It was a fair bit of effort but now that I have a fully working macbook pro 12" for under $750, it seems worth it.


  1. That's great! It really is a beautiful os. How does it feel compared to windows?

  2. Unless you need the extensive graphics capability of a mac, the only thing you are buying is an image.

  3. That sounds pretty cool, apple is overpriced as hell =\

    and having 3 os's on a laptop is pretty cool

  4. that sounds cool man. mac is pretty cool too

  5. I would love to have one, but like someone else has said, they overprice everything, just because they know they can get away with it

    Following and supporting

  6. It's a really interesting post, I mean really man

  7. Following now, this is bad ass. I wish I had gotten my Mac for that little!

  8. it is great operating system..

  9. Hahaahah i just had a rant about this! Check my blog!
